
I hold a bachelor’s degree in mental health nursing from University of Northumbria, I am registered as a mental health nurse in the UK. I hold a post graduate diploma in systemic practice with families, meaning I am trained up to intermediate level in systemic practice. I am trained to deliver Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa, Multi-Family Therapy and Incredible Years Parenting Program.

Most of my experience working as a nurse is with children and young people in community settings. I currently work within the field of children’s eating disorders. I am particularly interested in working with people with neurodiversity and supporting access to treatment for this group of people who may not have had positive experiences of accessing care in the past. 

I am a volunteer for The Girls’ Brigade England and Wales, I run a local group and I am a member of the European executive board. I have delivered mental health education sessions to Girls’ Brigade volunteers around the world and supported them to think about how to adapt the work they do to better support young people with mental health difficulties or additional needs. I have been involved in advocacy projects with The Girls’ Brigade including representing them at the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2021. In the past I have spoken about the role of faith based youth organistions in supporting young women’s mental health with The Girls’ Brigade. 

I have experience in working within the arts both as a facilitator and as mental health support. I have worked mostly as a facilitator within creative writing groups including on projects with young people with additional needs. I am interested in supporting anyone to be able to engage with arts and culture, I believe that by improving accessibility you improve everybody’s experience.